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Invent, Explore, Observe, Analyse.

At any time, on a regular basis.

OnFly is a platform for collecting, presenting and analysing data, based on an original scripting framework that allows you to program online and offline surveys. Script design is done by a dedicated team of programmers with many years of experience in the research industry

OnFly tablet Research Management Personalization Tablet Respondent TAPI Drag&Drop Results CAWI Observations Quota Conjoint Data Browser Surveys MaxDiff Mystery Shopper Presentation Multimodality Panelist Online CATI Script Samples CAPI API Analyses Diary Time & Motion Offline Databases Interviewer Interviewer's app Platform Responsive Integrations Allocation Mixed Mode Poll

Product components

Zbieranie danych

Data collection

Design a survey on your own or entrust this service to us.

Your data can be collected simultaneously using many techniques (CAWI, CATI, CAPI), as well as offline thanks to our dedicated application.

Próba badawcza

Research sample

Integrate the survey with any web panels or share the survey with your auditors / interviewers.

We will be happy to develop for you the structure of any sample based on available population statistics, as well as prepare a base for the survey (addresses, names, quota).

Kontrola realizacji

Control of progress of implementation

Monitor the number of completed interviews and increase the quality of collected data by using built-in control mechanisms.

Prezentacja i analiza danych

Data presentation and analysis

Present the results of your research in the form of dashboards or detailed analyses (rankings, frequency, tables, charts). You can also export the results to SPSS, EXCEL, TXT formats at any time.

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Product components



Create a survey on your own or entrust it to our experts.

Versatility of surveys

Versatility of surveys

A wide range of question and experiment types: closed, open, drag & drop, Conjoint, MaxDiff, scales, response times and maps.



The platform is compatible with all mobile (smartphone, tablet) and stationary devices (computers, laptops).

Personalization of appearance

Personalization of appearance

The platform's colours and graphics (including surveys) can be tailored to the client's needs and wishes.



Integration of surveys with a research sample (web panels, client base, random and quota samples) and export of results at any time to the following formats: SPSS, EXCEL, TXT.

Quality control

Quality control

Take care of the quality of the data collected using the built-in mechanisms: short times, captcha, fingerprint, control questions, passwords sent in a text message.



Realisation of measurements using simultaneously many different techniques (CAWI, CAPI, CATI): start the survey on the phone - finish on the laptop.



Substantive and programming support of experts with many years of experience in the market research and opinion industry.



It is possible to integrate the platform with dedicated systems (e.g. internet panels, project management systems).

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